light at the end of the (carpal) tunnel.

hello. it's December already. Man oh man. Time goes by so quick. I must be getting old.
We decorated the place up for Christmas. It looks nice. My hair ended up getting redder on me. I guess it is getting ready for Christmas too.
I have been crochetting like a fiend since Thanksgiving. My hands are getting tired, but really, I enjoy it. I am sitting silent with my Maker as I make something for other people. It really is pretty amazing. I wouldn't trade a moment.
I'm still very unsure of where I am going in life, and I am glad of that. Doors are open and as long as I keep my heart open to God, He will lead me through. I am very glad that I am not in a (romantic) relationship with anyone. I sat the other day and I thought about what a kid I still am.
I am pretty severely tired. I still don't think that I have recovered fully from the Thanksgiving drive. It was delightful to see people though. I think that I am just going to go to sleep. It sounds nice. The weekend will be busy. I need to study and do papers and crochet. So much more crochet. oh man. =)
good night to all.
Lisa, Colin. Lisa. Colin. Lisa there. Colin here. Lisa crochet. Colin Finals. Lisa dinosaur. Colin Lizard. Lisa Page. Colin Franger. Lisa hunt. Colin fish. Lisa drive. Colin walk.
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