leaf it.
Remembering is quite possibly the best feeling in the world... Not reminiscing, although that is awfully nice. No, I mean, having that, "oh, yeah." type of moment. When the spark of true person shines through after being either hidden or ignored, and we can look and see, oh, yeah. Like that moment in Hook where the little boy is pulling at Peter's face and he has that moment of recognition; "There you are..." I remember you now. I remember why I love you. I remember why you are worth it. I remember the spark that I once saw in you and now I can see it again.
Those "oh, yeah." moments are proof of our foolishness and short-sighted tendencies. How humans can so easily forget...to love, to laugh, to cry, to be young, to grow... but it seems that even in our foolishness, some sort of beauty is allowed through. We are given those moments to allow others back into our lives... To get away from what has hidden us from each other and allow love to live again.
Blah blah blah. I know that I'm not a very romantic person, but I do enjoy to wax poetic, and find myself often romaticizing life. Well. So what? I enjoyed several of these "oh, yeah." moments lately and just wanted to write it down....so that I could read this several months from now and have one of those moments again.

Two of my reminders.
ex's and oh's!
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