sneaky snake.

ha ha ha. I just saw my profile. It says that I'm 20. weird. No more being a teenager.
this picture is the last day of me being 19. pa-ha.
i might have the power, but it looks like i really just need sun glasses.
ps. i saw "snakes on a plane".
- go see it.
- take about 5 of your good buddies along with you.
- make hissing noises any time there is a quiet moment.
- as all the people are getting onto the plane make bets as to which ones will live and which ones will die.
- laugh heartily every time Samuel L. Jackson speaks.
- take a rubber snake along with you just for the thrill.
- don't worry about disrupting anyone else, because you and your friends are probably the only ones in there, besides, no one is really there to watch it seriously....and if they are there to watch it seriously, they will probably walk out in the first 15 minutes.
- fair warning, there is ridiculous nudity, and unecessary stupid/violent deaths.
- on second thought, it is a terrible movie.
- but it might've been worth it for the music video at the end.
- and to see Samuel L. Jackson tazing snakes....on a plane.
- ha ha ha ha.
- good night.
- lisa.
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