where the heart (ache, burn, throb) is.
Country roads take me home, to the place I belong ... take me home.
Home --
-- where is it? what is it? who is it?
Ha ha ha.
The thought of home -- true home -- is one that has always brought me to tears (The "it's just so beautiful" type of tears.) I'm not exactly sure why.
But it seems that these feelings for home only get stronger the more I lose home.
I spend only 3 months a year in Hood River, meaning that 9 months out of the year are in California (yeah, I passed math. please hold your applause.). I am registered to vote in California. Currently, at least 10% of my worldly posessions could be found in five different places, in three different states. But the bed that I've slept in for the better part of 16 years (I didn't get this bed until I was three) is still in the home, that I've lived in for the better part of my entire life, in Hood River. So where does that leave me? I don't know... Out in the cold as some responsible adult -- ha!
I've lost more of the definition of who I am this year then I would've been comfortable with had I known before hand.I say good riddance. I will disappear completely before I am in my true self anyway. (I feel that I am sounding like a doped up hippy dippy sort. I'm not sure that I am making complete sense, and these running spiritul methaphors and allusions are even a bit much for me to keep up with. but I press on...) (second thought, not much more pressing on for tonight. I'm pressing onto bed because it is late and I am tired.) But I will leave you with this, and this is what I hold hope to...
"And that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home." (zep 3:20)
Until it's time to pack up and go, lisa.
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