Wheeeeen the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore.
Wheeeeen you stand in a creek and an eel bites your cheek, that's a moray.

There is a picture of them. Pretty cool people, eh?
I am feeling a bit under the feeling healthy mark, so I think that I am going to head to bed soon and very soon.
I had a time and conversation worth remembering with a friend today. The time was lunch and the conversation was about life and God. God is my everything and the hope and joy he has given me in life and the way that I see things is incredible, and I will not say it is any less.
Beauty is the way that God reveals himself to humans. That is why beauty is different for each person. God reveals himself in different ways. That is also why beauty touches something deep inside of us. Its a longing for something that we didn't even realize was missing. That is why we laugh, cry, jump, dance, sing and go wild.
It's going to be amazing when we see beauty face to face. Until then, reflect it.
love, lisa.

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