He who is with perfect pitch, let him cast the first tone.
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way...
When sorrows like sea billows roll...
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, It is well with my soul.
Let peace be with you in these strange new times....
Man, O, Man. Life is strange, and new, and times.
Read this:
"Wonder is my second favorite condition to be in, after love -- and I sometimes wonder whether there's even a difference: maybe love is just wonder aimed at a beloved. Wonder is like grace, in that it's not a condition we grasp: wonder grasps us. We do have the freedom to elude wonder's grasp. We have the freedom to do all sorts of stupid things. By deploying cynicism, rationalism, fear, arrogance, judgementalism, we can evade wonder nonstop, all our lives. I'm not too fond of that gnarly old word, sin, but the deliberate evasion of wonder does bring it to mind. It may not be biblically sinful to evade wonder. But it is artistically and spiritually sinful."
..."Philosophically speaking, wonder is crucial to finding knowledge yet has everything to do with ignorance. Only an admission of ignorance can open us to fresh knowing. Wonder is the experience of that admission: wonder is unknowing, experienced as pleasure. Wonder if a period at the end of a statement we've long taken for granted, suddenly looking up and seeing the sinuous curve of a tall black hat on its head, and realizing it was a question mark all along.
As a facial expression, wonder is the letter O our eyes and make when the state itself descends. O: God's middle initial. O: because wonder Opens us. O(ld) becoming new. Wonder is anything taken for granted -- the old neighborhood, old job, old buddy, old spouse -- suddenly filling with mystery. Wonder is anything closed, suddenly opening: anything at all opening -- which includes Pandora's box, and brings me to the dark side of wonder. Grateful as I am for this condition, wonder, like everthing on earth, has a dark side. Heartbreak, grief, and suffering rip openings in us through which the dark kind of wonder pours. I have so far found it impossible to be spontaneously grateful for these openings. But when, after struggle, I've been able to turn a corner and at least accept the openings, dark wonder has helped me endure the heartbreak, the suffering, the grief.
I believe that is it wonder, even more than fidelity, that keeps marriages alive. I believe it is wonder, more than courage, that conquers fear of death. I believe that is it wonder, not D.A.R.E. bumper stickers, that keep kids off drugs. I believe, speaking of old bumper stickers, that it is wonder, even more than me, that I want to "HUG MY KIDS YET TODAY," because wonder can keep hugging them long after I'm gone. " (David James Duncan -- God Laughs and Plays)

And I think that Rubick's Cubes are God's gift to mankind. Jesus too.
So much love, Lisa.
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