being too technical.
I am tired.
But there are words and thoughts that I would like to remember. There are songs that I would like to sing. There are people that I would like to talk to and there are places that I would like to go. But as for now, I am only going to get the words down and maybe sing a song to myself as I type.
Lifelifelifelifelifelifelifelifelifelife. eeeesh.
I love life. But sometimes I get a bit cynical. Sometimes I get a bit down trodden. Sometimes I have a hard time not being greedy for Heaven.
I have been sitting out on the lawn reading and thinking quite a bit recently. I really think that I should be doing homework, but I just don't care enough about somethings to give up caring about others.
I've been praying a lot more lately... Really making a conscious effort to pray about specific people and things. Prayer is a strange concept to me. I don't know really how to pray. Is it different than just talking? Should it be? Prayer reminds me of who I am.
I pray for the wisdom to have faith, The faith to believe in grace, And the grace to live freely in love.
Now I'm going to sleep. 

[I'm a-nodding and a-blinkin'
and I'm beginning to be-a-thinkin'
that its time to go-a-winkin', a-slinkin' off to sleep.]
[catch my eyelids as they fall.]
good night.
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