Here's proof.
Today was nice. I got a lot of reading done. I finished one of the books that I was reading: A Death in the Family, and I started and finished Dove after that.
Both were good books, both made me cry. Then again, I can't think of a book that I've read in the past 2 years that hasn't made me get a few tears....well, maybe some of the kids books that I've read to Lukasz and Dominik, but you'd be surprised, even children's books can be extremely poignant and moving. I really like the thought of reading books aloud with other people -- not that it's a new concept, but rather one that I just haven't practiced all that often.
I wrote this a few years ago, and found it a few months ago, and relived it a few moments ago for the past few lifes....
Grace; It hurts me like a wound. Like a bruise deep under my skin. I forget about it. And then something touches it...reminds me that it is there. And I wonder how I could've forgotten about it. It takes my breath away, sings me to sleep at night and wakes me up every morning. My heart might evaporate, and then dissipate over all in the room. The day of love is approaching. The world is still spinning around and I still love you. What a great time to be alive.
sincerely, lisa.
One for the road....

how in the world is it that it's been about a month since I last posted??? it seems like yesterday. i think i'm getting old.
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